
Friday, February 11, 2011

Flashback Friday 8.0

This week's Flashback Friday challenge is to repost your first 3-D project.  Normally, I have a little bit of trepidation about reposting my creations - you know some things don't need to be seen a second time ;>)  This time however, I am so excited, because I enjoy creating boxes so much.  My first "box" was made in May 2009 and it was just one of those times that the planets aligned and I was actually able to achieve the idea I had in my head - LOL!

If you want more details on my Bug Collection Box flash on back to this post.  This is the template that started it all for me :>)  I still have the box because I could not bear to part with it. 
Be sure to play along and repost your first 3-D project!  How easy is that?!!!  No need to create something new, unless you have never made a 3-D project before :>)  Pssst - the prize for challenge 8.0 is from Nikki Sivils!


  1. stinkin' cute is this?! What a neat 3D project!!!!! There is something about plaid...I adore it so much!! Absolutely fantabulous sista!!! Thanks so much for playing along!!!!!!

  2. Oh this is absolutely fantastic!!!! Love the colors and the design, sooo neat - and of course I had to check out your first post - THANKS for great tips!
    And thanks for playing along!!! /Karin

  3. This is adorable. Beautifully done.

  4. This is so stinkin' cute!! Love the little magnifying glass - the perfect touch! I wouldn't be able to get rid of it either ;o)

  5. ACK! Julie this is too cute! Such an adorable idea
    love tasha xx

  6. Oh my gosh! That is so cute! Where on earth did you get all the hardware for it???

  7. This is adorable. And you used hardware for it too. How cool. I love the peep hole to see the bugs.
