
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Cat's Pajamas January Blog Hop - Shhhhh...

Welcome to The Cat's Pajamas January new release HOP!   Are you ready to get started???!!!   

You should have arrived here from Wendy's blog, but if you are just stopping by to say hi and came across this wonderful event then you will want to head on over to Deborah's blog to start at the very beginning!   Hop along and leave a comment on each of the blogs for your chance to win a TCP prize!  

Love continues to flow with this release and for the hop I once again pulled out the set Just Let it Happen and paired it with the new Small Envie die.   

TCP Ingredients:   Just Let it Happen, Small Envie Die

The Small Envie Die is the perfect size to send sentiments!  My card was water colored with Zig Water Color Brush Markers on water color paper.

Today is also TCP Tuesday which means we have a new challenge starting up.   This is another way to win a TCP prize, so join in the fun.   The challenge is ANYTHING GOES! 

After you are done hopping be sure to check out the new release in the TCP store!

The next stop on the hop is Brenda's blog so head on over there to make sure you do not miss a thing!

Happy Hopping!


  1. Such a sweet card and I love the way you used the envie for the sentiment. Thank you so much for all your hard work this release and for hosting the games at the PJ party.

  2. The little envie is so perfect to pair with this image! Lovely CAS design!

  3. Great games last night, Julie! Great cards all week. I think we were definitely all inspired!

  4. So cute Julie! I love the CAS cards you have done this release. And you are doing well with those watercolor pens! I am still working on mine.

  5. Adorable! And don't you just LOVE those Zig Markers?!?! They are SO fun and you certainly know how to color with them :)

  6. Julie what a sweet card! Love the way you used the minnie envelope on your layout. I just love the Zig Brush Tips don't you? Your coloring and choice of colors are perfect! TFS 💟

  7. So, so cute. Isn't that little envie just the sweetest thing?

  8. I ordered this stamp set last night...can't wait to get it! I love this card...looks like I gotta go and get the small envie die now,!

  9. Such an awesome stamp set and a wonderful card!!!
