
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Wonderful Panda

Your Next Stamp Inspiration time!  The new release date has been moved to earlier in the month, so the Design Team is going to use the 22nd as a chance to share creations featuring all the cuties from Your Next Stamp

That cute panda from Jungle Critter Crew has been calling my name!  I have wanted a panda for sooooo long because it is the mascot at my children's school.  Today's card is the start of a set for the school principal.

Ingredients:  Jungle Critter Crew and an olive green Gumdrop!
Wonderfully adorable!  Now head on over to the YNS Blog and see more eye candy from my teammates!
If you are looking for even more inspiration then check out Facebook, Pinterest, the YNS Newsletter and YNS Challenges!!!

Be sure to stop by and browse the sale going on right now in the Your Next Stamp store too...


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