
Monday, January 10, 2011

An Award and a List

Emily Leiphart of Art from the Heart honoured me with this blogger award yesterday. To accept this award, I have to meet the following requirements:
  1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 8 things about yourself.
  3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers.
  4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.
Thank you Emily!!!  :>)
1.  I love to take naps!!!  Fortunately one of my sons still likes to take 'em too :>)
2.  I craft in the car.  I carpool, so every other day when I am not driving I can be found fussy cutting (or napping!).
3.  I recently celebrated a B-day.
4.  Aqua Mist is my favorite color and is now the color of the walls in my bathroom.
5.  The only time my craft area is clean is after my sister helps me organize it.
6.  I try to avoid cleaning in general, but I like to wash dishes.
7.  I like to walk fast.
8.  I am forever grateful to everyone who leaves comments.  You brighten my day and bring smiles to my crafting :>) :>) :>)

This award is passed on to the following:
Alyssa, Kerri, Alison, Yvonne, Amy, Laurel, Karen B., and Leigh Ann.

I was also tagged by Yvonne Yam and Alyssa to play along with the list of fours.

4 shows you watch
So You Think You Can Dance
Project Runway
Grey's Anatomy (although I have not watched any yet this season)
Desperate Housewives

4 things you are passionate about
My family
My friends

4 words/phrases you say a lot
"let's skip a doodle"
"no, no, no" (to the kiddos)
"uh, uh, uh" (to the dog)

4 things you've learned about the past
Go with your first choice
Kill 'em with kindness (Yvonne listed this one and I completely agree)
Sometimes Less is More
Don't try to be everyone's mother

4 places you would like to go

4 things you did yesterday
Went to Disney on Ice
Played outside in the snow with my sons
Read "The Monster at the End of this Book" by Jon Stone (so much fun for the under 5 set)
Took a nap (yay!)

4 things you are looking forward to
New Cosmo Cricket Lines
Increasing my Copic collection
Whatever the future holds :>)

4 things you love about winter
snow days
fresh clean snow
snow tubing
huge snowflakes

Tag 4 people to play along
Jen P.Bethie, Candy and Leanne



  1. Thanks for the award! :)

    It was fun reading your dogs understand "no,no no"...;)

    What does "toodoolous" mean?

  2. Thanks girlie.....loved reading aboutcha!

  3. Thanks little lady! I love reading about fun!

  4. THANKS Julie that made my day!! I will play along on my next blog post.. hmmm now who shall I share it with! THINK THINK...:)
    It was fun to read about you!!! - My kids will know the NO NO NO .. too! :)
    Have a GREAT day!

  5. Thanks for the mention on #5 - I think I worry more about your crafting area than I do mine! When I'm shopping, I check out the organizers and think "hmmm would this work for Julie" - LOL!! :)

  6. Oh my goodness, Julie, I cannot believe you fussy cut in the car! The car you pool in must have some amazing suspension. LOL I enjoyed reading more about you! :D

  7. Thanks, chickie! I also can't believe you fussy cut in the car.
