
Monday, December 20, 2010

Passing the Amber Ink Torch

This past month as an Amber Ink torchbearer for the brown team has flown by.  I learned that I LOVE iPaper printed on kraft CS (did I mention I love it enough yet?), I got to work with some fun digis, I laughed and laughed and laughed, I won a nutty cookbook (Ha, Ha), and I met some wonderful people! 
 Here are a couple of my favorite creations...

Now I know the brown team will be well represented because I am passing the torch on to Laurel Seabrook
Be sure to head on over to Laurel's blog, "Seabrook Designs" and leave her a little lovin' today, as she begins her month with Amber Ink!  Laurel is a master with digis and iPaper, so I know she is going to carry the torch high!!!
Agent Foxy Needles (do I have to give up my secret agent name?!!!)


  1. Awesome projects Julie!! You rocked the amber ink!!

  2. Great projects! Thanks for nominating me!

  3. Ahh Agent Foxy Needles...You have finished your current mission with the highest of marks. We are proud of you. You have been given a new assignment. You know what it is. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

  4. That fish card is too fun! Love the texture!

  5. Hooray for a splendid month, Julie! Thanks for sharing your ingenuity of printing iPaper on kraft cs!

  6. Wow these are amazing Julie, really beautiful
    love tasha xx

  7. Great projects! You rocked your month here and gave me some great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  8. Your projects were so gorgeous this month, girl! I'm so glad we got to carry the torch together:) Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

  9. These are both stunning!! I thought I left a comment here already but since I don't see it here... I love the sheer elegance.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family! May the joy and peace of Christmas remain with you through out the new year.
