
Monday, May 10, 2010

It's All About the Guys

Little Paper Shop's May release previews continue.  Today it is a great set titled "Father" for all the guys in our lives (see how fast Mother's Day is over!).  This set is full of great sentiments and singe word stamps.  Today the LPS design team is blog hopping, so be sure to check out the rest of the design team's projects.  One commenter, who leaves comments all along the hop will win a $15 gift certificate to the LPS Store!!!  You have until Wednesday at 10 pm to comment and win the certificate!  That is enough moola to pick up a fun set and still cover shipping!  If you just happened to stop by to say hi, be sure to start at the Little Paper Shop Blog and make your way back to me.  If you are coming from the talented Julie Lacey's - Stamps & Taxes blog then you are where you need to be.

I decided to challenge myself twice, the first part is making a "guy" card and the second part was combining it with this week's Little Paper Shop blog color challenge.  I guess I really challenged myself a third time, because take a look at the color challenge and in no way does it call out "guy" card to me :>)  

Play along with the color challenge (you do not have to make a "guy" card) and you may just win the cute digi Katie Mushroom.  Link up your creation HERE by Sunday May 16th at 9 pm EST. 

To make it all work I decided to make kraft my neutral and stamp "Dad" from the Father set over and over in all the challenge colors.  I just love the definitions for Father, Dad and Grandfather that can be found in this set.  I see scrapbook pages in my future in addition to more Father's Day cards!

Up next in the hop is the fabulous Silvia of Mabie Stampin'!

Have a great start to your week!

Smiles, Julie
Details:  Stamp - Father (LPS), CS - Kraft (SU), Embossing Folder - Swiss Dots (Cuttlebug), Ink - SU, and brads from my stash.


  1. Lovin your card! I love the way you used the Dad image as a background...perfect!

  2. You rocked the color challenge!!!

  3. What a fun card! Great way to make a background!

  4. Love the card and the sentiment is so true! My poor husband supports a house full of girls and even the dog is a girl and she bugs him when he comes home too! LOL

  5. Very cool ~ I love how you used the Dad stamp to make background paper.

  6. Great card - love the Dad stamp! Simple but cute! :)

  7. Great card. Love the Dad paper in the background.

  8. I can't believe you successfully incorporated these colors for this set! Super job (I chickened out!).

  9. love the colors on kraft! great card!

  10. LOVE how you made your own DP with the Dad stamp...just PERFECT!!

  11. Love the colors you used to stamp the word Dad! Beautiful card!

  12. Really like how you used the stamp as a background paper. Great idea. I really like this card

  13. Love the simplicity of the card...awesome stamping (I was wondering what patterned paper that was...)! :)

  14. It's great how you used the challenge colors on the card! I always think masculine equals the neutrals, blues, and greens for colors, but using these colors looks really nice!

  15. Great way to use the color challenge! Great card too - that sentiment is so, so true!
