
Friday, August 28, 2009

Today is the 28th...

which means that the 31st is fast approaching and that means that it is time for another sketch from Sketch Girl!!
Here is a small shot of what I pulled together for the latest sketch...
With the approach of the end of the month it also means that summer is almost over :>C I have been quiet this past week enjoying the last days of summer and trying to squeeze in lots of fun before my daughter goes back to school. Sand, sun, and parks have taken the place of paper, glue and stamps for just a bit. Although I have not been posting, I have been checking out other posts and there are lots of fun challenges out there that I am planning to tackle this weekend.
Be sure to stop by on Sunday to see my card and the sketch!
Edited 8/29/09 at 9:23 pm; originally I posted that the Sketch Girls challenge would be up on the 30th, but it is really the 31st this month!!! I guess this is one card that I can honestly say I did not do at the "last minute"!!

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